November 2, 2015 – The 1st Annual international robotic art competition with $100,000 in cash prizes is now open for team registration. The contest’s goal is to challenge student to produce something visually beautiful with robotics – that is, to have a robot use physical brushes and paint to create an artwork. It’s ideal for robotic student projects or grad students involved in robotic planning and image processing – especially those who have an appreciation for art.
There is no cost to educational institutions or to teams to enter and any robotic system can be used to produce the artwork. While most teams are using existing robotic arms, the contest is open to custom hardware. Teams can enter up to 6 paintings in each of the competition categories of “fully automated execution” and “manually (semi or telerobotic) generated” art, where generally, there is little or no specialized software used to control the robot.Depending on interest, we may have a separate category for institutional/corporate/professional teams. The deadline for artwork submission is April 15th. Register now!
We will have a combination of professional art critics, tech celebrities, and the general public score the artwork. You can also signup now to be notified when it’s time to come see the artwork submissions and vote.
For more info/questions, please contact Andrew Conru at